Teaching and Mentoring
My mentoring philosophy increasingly leans toward the "guide on the side" model of teaching with a special emphasis on the skills students need to navigate a lifetime of learning. In all my coursework, I encourage students to consider how various ethical standpoints apply to the complex data and theories which frame our understanding of today's social problems.
With my affiliations in different programs, I teach undergraduates and Master's students in Anthropology, as well as undergraduates in the interdisciplinary International Studies major. I have also contributed to doctoral committees in programs that include Entomology, Forestry and Environmental Resources, and Design.
I occasionally work with undergraduate teams to carry out research. Most recently, I worked with students to explore how US-born employers and their immigrant employees navigate the workplace as a cultural meeting ground.
Lists of research, internship, and post-graduation opportunities that I encourage students to explore can be found by following this link to student advising resources.

International Studies/Globalization
Introduction to International Studies (developed by Dr. Seth Murray)
Senior capstone in International Studies (developed with Dr. Carol Ann Lewald and Dr. Seth Murray)
Culture, Ecology, and Sustainable Living
Wealth, Poverty, and International Aid
Understanding Latino Migration