Congratulations Ben Siegelman!

Ben Siegelman successfully completed his Master's in Anthropology with the paper "Lies Build Trust: Social Capital, Masculinity, and Resource Management in a Mexican Fishery." The paper reports on three months of independent fieldwork that Ben carried out in Baja California. Ben's work examines how men in a fishing village employ lies, jokes, and jokes about lies to create bonds. Men then use these ties to collectively manage fish stock. Ben’s work has implications for gender equity in natural resource management, and he offers insights to professional conservation staff regarding how they might penetrate all those lies and jokes to form working relationships. We'll be submitting the full paper for publication in the coming weeks, so look for an update. Thanks to Ben's co-advisor Dr. Xavier Basurto at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University for all his help in making the project possible. Next year, Ben will be completing his dual degree with a Master's in Environmental Management from the Nicholas School.

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